www.fasfc.be       BFSA - BUSINESS PLAN 2015-2017
Belgian Food Safety Agency

  Abbreviations Printable version   |   Last update on 22.04.2016

  B2C sector: FFBO’s who have direct contact with the consumer
  BPR: Business Process Reengineering
  BFSA: Belgian Food Safety Agency
  COPHS: Chief Officer of Plant Health Services
  COMM: European Commission
  CVO: Chief Veterinary Officer
  DG: Directorate-general (administration)
  EU: European Union
  FFBO: Food and Feed Business Operators
  FTE: Full Time Equivalent
  FVO: Food and Veterinary Office (Food and Veterinary Office of the European Union)
  HoA: Heads of Agencies
  MANCP: Multi Annual National Control Plan
  OIE: World Organisation for Animal Health
  PVS: assessment tool for the Performance of Veterinary Services by the OIE (Tool PVS: Performance of Veterinary Services)
  RASFF: Rapid Alert System for Food and Feed
  SCoPAFF: Standing Committees on Plants, Animals, Food and Feed
  WHO: World Health Organisation
Our mission is to preserve the safety and the quality of our food in order to protect humans, animals and plants.

- Consumers
- Smiley
- Foodweb
- Surveys FASFC
- Official spokespeople
- Provincial Control Units
- Internal and external laboratories
- Contact point for consumers