www.fasfc.be       BFSA - BUSINESS PLAN 2015-2017
Belgian Food Safety Agency

  Mission, vision and values Printable version   |   Last update on 22.04.2016


The mission of the BFSA is to preserve the safety of the food chain and the quality of our food in order to protect the health of humans, animals and plants.

The BFSA integrates all control services that are competent for the entire food chain. The BFSA is not only competent for controlling food, feed, fertilisers and phytopharmaceuticals, but is also responsible for sanitary (animal diseases) and phytosanitary (plant sector) prevention and control measures. Laying down operational rules on controls, certification, infrastructure standards to be complied with by food chain FFBO’s are also a part of its mission. The BFSA is also in charge of communication regarding all issues concerning the BFSA, in particular of informing consumers.

The control tasks delegated to the BFSA are :
  • the smoking ban,
  • the quality controls at import and export of goods,
  • the control on the welfare of production animals.

General vision

The BFSA fulfills its mission with the greatest care by adopting a professional attitude so that national and foreign consumers as well as the FFBO’s can keep their trust in the safety of our food chain.

The BFSA’s mission extends over the entire food chain and animal and plant health. An ever more integrated and end-to-end approach guarantees an optimal surveillance of all activities in its fields of competence.

Regarding its control methodology, the BFSA stands for a systematic and harmonized approach providing documented, complete and transparent controls. It is based on a scientifically based inspection and sampling programme evolving with new needs and risks. In addition, the BFSA makes sure that noncompliances are dealt with efficiently, together with its enforcement policy focused on behavioural change.

The BFSA supplies all relevant information concerning the whole life cycle as complete and appropriate as possible. Thus it supports and encourages the selfchecking development at the FFBO’s’ who are active in the Belgian food chain, with a validation/certification as a cornerstone. As regards the B2C, the Smiley remains the calling card for hygiene and it represents an important sign to the consumer.

The FAFSC is aiming at a preventive and proactive food security policy. It carries out crises exercises, works at an early signal capture, anticipates on emerging risks and follows the latest trends in its field of activity. It is ready to act efficiently, whenever necessary.

Moreover, as a public institution it is the BFSA’s duty to encourage the general interest, among which the promotion of the economic development, prosperity and well-being.

The BFSA is always looking for a good equilibrium between its legal missions, the different wishes of all its clients and the general interest of our society. This is not only translated into an ambitious strategic plan but also in its daily operational activities. In questioning its own activities critically and permanently and in understanding the processes well, the BFSA is able to grow and improve itself continuously.

The BFSA continues to organize itself as efficiently and effectively as possible, with a minimum of charges for the inspected FFBO’s. The Agency is aiming at an optimal cooperation with all actors in the internal and external processes. It sees to it that a balance is maintained between the tasks executed by the Agency itself and the tasks it delegates.The Agency works closely with its partners so that these goals can be achieved successfully.

The Agency collaborates not only with the representatives of the parties directly concerned - the FFBO’s controlled - but also, and just as important, with the consumers’ associations, the federal, regional and local authorities and the non-governmental organizations that are important for its mission. This structured and systematic consultation with all stakeholders allows the development of a policy that is efficient, proportional and that can count on a broad public support.

To measure is to know. The BFSA uses all data available so as to manage the internal processes, to report systematically on the activities, to allow the consumer to make a conscious choice as well as to draw up a state of affairs regarding food safety by means of barometers. Thus, the BFSA has a good indication at its disposal on how efficiently the Agency itself as well as the FFBO’s react on various challenges.

The BFSA is active internationally and it has a network at its disposal enabling to cooperate on European and international policies, to ensure the image of Belgian products and in doing so is able to facilitate the export of Belgian products. The delivered certificates are, so to speak, a quality mark for Belgian products.


The BFSA has a clear social mission. Its mission and vision require a strong engagement and a strong sense of responsibility. Within its field of activities in Belgium and on an international level, the Agency can, with good reason, be proud of its accomplishments.

The BFSA is a professional organization with clear targets and aims at the optimal realization of these targets. An organization that’s considerate of its stakeholders’ needs as much as possible. That is why the consumers, the FFBO’s as well as the staff members are consulted, so that the implemented policy is supported as broadly as possible.

The BFSA aims to be a flexible organization which implements its mission with great care so that confidence in food chain safety continues to be guaranteed. It places great importance on a sustainable strategy and on a human dimension and invests continuously in its staff members so that its assignments will be carried out as good as possible and with a keen eye for an ever changing and varied society.

Its mission is carried out in a way which reflects its identity and the organization’s culture and where its shared values are its core business. These values constitute a solid base for the organization, are lived by everyday and serve as a standard and motivator for every collaborator.

When preparing this business plan, we have analysed and completed the existing values, and we have expressed these in a concrete manner, thanks to the active contributions of staff members and management. Spreading and acquiring these values will be integrated in its policy and will be supported by specific actions.

The BFSA is a dynamic organization with committed collaborators. We carry out our mission in an efficient, qualitatively outstanding and targeted manner which fits in the needs and expectations of our clients. Exchange of knowledge and permanent training guarantee our expertise.
Respect for man and environment is at the central point of our acting. We listen, are understanding and act humanely. We use our resources in a sustainable and efficient way.
We communicate in time, customized, and transparent. We enter into a a constructive manner and pay attention interlocutors. We encourage participation open to the ideas of everyone.
We are fair and reasonable. Our actions and decisions are proportional and acceptable.
We act according to our values. We are honest, correct and treat confidential information discretely. We are reliable and conscientious when carrying out our services
We create a positive environment in which opportunities are given and everyone takes its responsibility. The focus is on loyalty and a constructive unlimited cooperation.

Our mission is to preserve the safety and the quality of our food in order to protect humans, animals and plants.

- Consumers
- Smiley
- Foodweb
- Surveys FASFC
- Official spokespeople
- Provincial Control Units
- Internal and external laboratories
- Contact point for consumers