www.fasfc.be       BFSA - BUSINESS PLAN 2015-2017
Belgian Food Safety Agency

  Management summary Printable version   |   Last update on 22.04.2016

The future of the BFSA can be summarized as follows: maintaining its core missions, continuing the policy with a focus on the protection of the consumer and the successfully performing food and feed business FFBO’s as well as a cautious evolution towards an even better organization in budgetary challenging times.

With a clear mission, vision and values, the strategic and operational targets are described with their corresponding KPI for the next 3 years, but with a perspective of 5 years, the duration of the parliamentary term.

The BFSA continues to successfully implement its inspection and analyses programmes which are based on risk analysis, together with a flanking policy aimed at high quality inspections and a maximum number of FFBO’s having favourable inspection results. Administrative simplification, attention to the specific situation of the self-employed, the micro-enterprises and the small and medium enterprises, the fact that all necessary instruments are put at the disposal of FFBO’s and maintaining good communication are also a part of this policy. The BFSA will be very understanding for those FFBO’s who are well intended but it will implement a hard handed enforcement policy towards obstinate or fraudulent FFBO’s.

The important savings imposed to all public services also have an impact on the BFSA’s functioning. Less staff members and less operating grants will inevitably lead to choices regarding actions and activities, in consultation with the stakeholders. However, the inspection and analyses programme shall be guarded as much as possible, whereas the activities covered by the revenues for the Agency will be kept intact.

Consultation with all stakeholders is considered of paramount importance, but in the end the BFSA remains responsible for the policy pursued in the context of the European and national regulations. The BFSA is aiming at a complete transparency on its functioning by public reporting with the food safety, animal health and plant health barometers as overall indicators.

For the export too, the BFSA continues to make important efforts, but this can only lead to results if this fits in with a global policy fixed by the different public services concerned - federal as well as regional - and in consultation with the sector organizations.

An important package of tasks is to be entrusted to third parties. Institutions such as the CODA-CERVA, DGZ and ARSIA, and the contracted veterenarians too, continue to be crucial partners. The BFSA will continue to pursue a fruitful collaboration with veterinary practitioners who are the first line of defense in animal health.

Quality and effectiveness still remain at the center of the approach. The BFSA keeps its certified quality systems and evaluates its processes continuously on improvement possibilities with regard to efficiency, internal control and risk management.

As in many organizations, the motivation and competence of its collaborators are the BFSA’s most essential resources. In the next years, the BFSA wishes to remain an excellent employer, despite the budgetary measures.
Our mission is to preserve the safety and the quality of our food in order to protect humans, animals and plants.

- Consumers
- Smiley
- Foodweb
- Surveys FASFC
- Official spokespeople
- Provincial Control Units
- Internal and external laboratories
- Contact point for consumers