www.fasfc.be       BFSA - BUSINESS PLAN 2015-2017
Belgian Food Safety Agency

  Theme 3 : An agency accepted by FFBO's and recognized by society and the consumers in particular, both nationally and internationally Printable version   |   Last update on 22.04.2016


The consumer remains at the centre of the BFSA’s policy. The control programmes are aimed at keeping the risks for consumers to a minimum in the stage that precedes the purchase. Once the consumer has taken possession of the food, he or she takes on a part of the responsibility. It is important that the consumer has been informed on and has been made aware of all aspects concerning food safety. As of 2015, in addition to regular information, the consumer will also have access to the results of the controls in application of the rules concerning official government.

Societal evolutions can also have an effect on the policy pursued by the BFSA. The choice to reduce the waste of food has for example led the BFSA to introduce a number of relaxations for charity organizations. Future choices concerning the date of minimum durability and the use-by date may call for a new adjustment. The consumption of insects is another example. The BFSA closely monitors these evolutions and will continue to respond to them..

A well-devised consultation with all of the stakeholders is essential to develop a policy that is accepted by society.

The Advisory Committee will continue to play its central role for all of its transversal subjects. Specific problems will be treated in the working groups of the Advisory Committee or in the sector-specific consultation. Companies and consumers will be equally involved in this consultation.

The BFSA’s Scientific Committee is an independent organ that is responsible for carrying out the risk assessment to the benefit of the BFSA as well as other authorities. This independence has to guarantee an impartial risk assessment and prevent interference between risk management and risk assessment. This does not mean that there shouldn’t be room for a constructive dialogue between the Scientific Committee, the BFSA and the stakeholders. In a number of instances, this dialogue can be used to obtain a final advice, so that the Scientific Committee can get all the relevant information that is necessary to properly substantiate their advices.

Openness and transparency are critical success factors for the policy to be accepted. In addition to detailed information on the website, the publication of the inspection results will undoubtedly contribute to creating awareness among FFBO’s as well as consumers. The point of contact for consumers will be maintained. FFBO’s also have to be given the opportunity to address their complaints to an independent mediation service. Such a service already exists at the BFSA, but if the mediation service were better known and more widely used by the FFBO’s, this would only benefit the acceptability of the BFSA.

In addition to conducting controls, the elaboration of a policy aimed at prevention, creating awareness and information is the second most important cornerstone of the BFSA’s activities. The communication channels used to this end will be chosen based on the evolution of their use by citizens and businesses. If the current trend persists, the importance of printed documents will decrease in favour of social media communications and the use of smart phones/tablets.

As a country that is active in export, it is important that the BFSA’s accomplishments and its reliability/ trustworthiness garner a sufficient amount of international attention/visibility. Not only has the elaboration of an international network, but also the visibility and the quality of the Belgian products have to remain a permanent point of attention. This not only goes for the countries that import our products, but also for development countries that use the Belgian model as an example.

In the framework of the agreements between the BFSA and the BTC, the BFSA will also continue the collaboration concerning the sanitary and phytosanitary quality of the agricultural food products in third party countries.

Strategic and operational objectives
S3.1 The consultation of the stakeholders is structured and systematic.
  O3.1.1 Permanent consultation in the Advisory Committee and concultation during sector meetings.
  O3.1.2 Regular surveys of consumers, FFBO’s and staff on their assessment of the functioning of the BFSA and on the expectations of the stakeholders.
  O3.1.3 Veterinary practitioners have to be consulted on a regular basis regarding policy choices and assigned tasks.
  O3.1.4 The different initiatives regarding administrative simplification are monitored and reported on by the central administration.
S3.2 The BFSA has a well-functioning Scientific Committee.
  O3.2.1 The Scientific Committee has the necessary means at its disposal to ensure the impartiality of its advices.
S3.3 Handling complaints efficiently.
  O3.3.1 The BFSA has a client-oriented consumer contact point and efficient procedures in place to ensure that complaints are processed within reasonable terms and that feedback is provided.
  O3.3.2 FFBO complaints are handled with, using a clearly communicated and uniform procedure either by or under the supervision of an independent internal mediation service of the BFSA.
S3.4 A transparent and visible BFSA.
  O3.4.1 The BFSA provides general information on its activities in a user-friendly way, in which a website that is complete as possible plays a pivotal role, supported by other media. The Agency also communicates by means of specific actions aimed at special target groups.
  O3.4.2 Timely executed mandatory reporting, transparent global reporting by means of annual reports, the food chain safety barometers and the publication of the inspection results.
  O3.4.3 The BFSA makes its knowledge and good practices available to other like-minded organizations, within the EU as well as in third party countries.
S3.5 Equitable financing of the BFSA.
  O3.5.1 Contributions and fees are calculated based on publicly available, up-to-date and objective parameters that guarantee a fair spreading of the costs between all controlled sectors and takes into account the validation of self-checking systems regarding contributions.
  O3.5.2 The BFSA uses an efficient system for the collection of contributions, fees and administrative fines.
Our mission is to preserve the safety and the quality of our food in order to protect humans, animals and plants.

- Consumers
- Smiley
- Foodweb
- Surveys FASFC
- Official spokespeople
- Provincial Control Units
- Internal and external laboratories
- Contact point for consumers