www.fasfc.be       BFSA - BUSINESS PLAN 2015-2017
Belgian Food Safety Agency

  Theme 5 : Optimal organizational management Printable version   |   Last update on 22.04.2016


The mission of a public service institution can only be carried out, insofar as the organization can operate efficiently. The 5th theme is aimed at providing the organization with all of the means to function as a modern institution. The HR policy is aimed at hiring competent staff. Collaborators have to be equipped with appropriate and modern tools. The BFSA has chosen to introduce a quality management system on all levels and has a fully-fledged internal audit system and a system for internal control at its disposal.

In the past, special attention was granted to the development of the IT tools. The important efforts of the past will enable the transition into an almost completely digital organization in the years to come, which will benefit the consumers as well as the FFBO’s. Consumers will, for example, benefit from the transparency made possible by publishing the inspection results, the FFBO’s will, for example, benefit from an as complete as possible digital management of their files.

Finally, the business plan also puts plenty of emphasis on the values of the BFSA which were defined in collaboration with the BFSA’s collaborators.

For a number of tasks (analyses, inspection, certification, organization of identification and registration systems in the animal sector, ...) included in the 5 themes, the BFSA completely or partially calls upon other organizations or independents, either by delegating or outsourcing tasks. This will continue to be the case in the future, but the BFSA will strive towards a(n) (cost)efficient division of tasks to be carried out internally and those that are to be delegated/outsourced.

These partners remain an important asset for the BFSA to successfully perform its tasks. All measures will be discussed with these partners, as is the case for all stakeholders. Since the majority of the operating budget has to be spent on these activities, the savings to be realized will undoubtedly have an important impact.

The principles mentioned in the general part will also be applied here. In addition, it has to be made sure that the tasks, which are fully financed by the fees for the performances carried out, and which are often necessary for the economic survival of any company and provide a guarantee for public health, continue to be guaranteed. If necessary, the budget has to be adjusted, certainly if the BFSA has to perform more tasks.

In clear-cut cases, partnerships with certain stakeholders may be installed, without however compromising the impartiality and the objectives of the BFSA. This was already the case in the past by, for example, taking into account sectoral sampling plans, promoting the guides, or tapping into export markets. In order to guarantee transparency and impartiality, such joint ventures will be documented and submitted to the Advisory Committee.

The efficiency of the operational services is for a large part determined by the supporting services. This theme covers a lot of essential tasks the BFSA cannot function without, but only the main points of which are included in the strategic and operational objectives.

In order to attain these objectives, a lot of actions need to be carried out, the detailed description of which is beyond the scope of this business plan, and which are recorded in specific dashboards, such as:
  • the execution of the staffing plan, the training plan and the execution of the evaluation cycles,
  • generating income and expenditure which are monitored closely by the supervisory authorities,
  • the execution of the IT programme

Strategic and operational objectives
S5.1 A staffing policy aimed at maintaining a competent and motivated workforce.
  O5.1.1 The staffing plan is executed to its fullest extent, with corrections for budgetary measures.
  O5.1.2 The BFSA has motivated, satisfied, protected and qualified collaborators who have evolved along with the new requirements and implements a high-quality evaluation system.
S5.2 The quality and the efficiency of the work is a permanent concern
  O5.2.1 The quality is guaranteed by means of certified quality systems with a focus on continuous improvement, an efficient organization and a fully-developed risk management.
  O5.2.2 Internal control guarantees compliance with administrative legislation.
  O5.2.3 The work organization, the internal procedures and the instructions are assessed and if necessary reviewed in order to be simplified or optimized and are integrated into a global transversal process model.
  O5.2.4 The collaboration with other authorities has been formalized in a protocol and is supported by regular consultation between the policy makers.
S5.3 The collaborators have all the necessary tools to carry out their assignments.
  O5.3.1 The equipment, the services used and the housing complies with the minimal quality requirements and are made available in a cost-efficient manner. In this respect, special attention goes to creating synergies with other authorities.
  O5.3.2 The IT systems are developed based on a coherent and uniform strategy and are based on the organization’s needs.
  O5.3.3 The data warehouse and the analytical accounting of the BFSA are being developed into instruments that transform data into useful information and this way support both the internal functioning and the reporting of the BFSA. This way quality monitoring of essential data is guaranteed.
S5.4 The delegation of tasks and the deployment of third parties is organized in a cost-efficient manner.
  O5.4.1 The delegation/outsourcing of tasks to third parties is organized in a cost-efficient and objective manner.
  O5.4.2 Notwithstanding its responsibility for the safety of the food chain, the BFSA will participate in initiatives of third parties that are geared towards ensuring the safety and quality of products, insofar as the necessary means are available.
Our mission is to preserve the safety and the quality of our food in order to protect humans, animals and plants.

- Consumers
- Smiley
- Foodweb
- Surveys FASFC
- Official spokespeople
- Provincial Control Units
- Internal and external laboratories
- Contact point for consumers